Thursday, 3 December 2020

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Friday, 9 October 2020

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

ANNOUNCEMENT:: Generation X [RadioShow] @ Kniteforce Radio |Season 2020-2021|


2020 is the year of my big radio return! And a show which is the real reason of the glow existence, in a few words. The well-known as Generation X [RadioShow].

Generation X [RadioShow] is back again broadcasting
Each first Tuesday of every month at 17:30-19:00 [UK TIME]
over the almighty Kniteforce Radio (

Friday, 11 September 2020

House Music All Night Long - FAITH Fanzine Vol.3 Issue 1 - Autumn 2020

Faith Fanzine in Athens

''We're back. Faithfanzine returns in its third incarnation for more HOUSE, HOUSE and more FUCKING H.O.U.S.E. We're in strange, dangerous but inspirational and aspirational times, and the tone is the first issue of Faithfanzine V3 must reflect this..."

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

(UPDATE) No.26 on Beatport Top 100 Breaks Releases!

"This album isn't just a standard album, focussed on one specific sound, this is an album dedicated to the raving generation, the lost generation, a.k.a. Generation X. We might have aged, but deep down inside we still keep the raving fire burning."