This interview was originally taken during the lockdown days in April and just before the release of this magnificent debut album by one of the leading Hardcore Breaks acts that is TRY UNITY. Good chance to share that in case you missing their amazing latest material. Eight fresh tracks that do the justice to the band's music skills and Hardcore Rave passion!
Brighton's finest and brightest trio are fighting for love when calling the hardcore and this year they've released their long-awaited full length LP entitled 'Neurons & Chemicals' covered by a superb artwork by the guru of the kind, Junior Tomlin.
Once again, I had a lovely chat with them 3, exclusive words made for the Iconic Underground Magazine upcoming issue that's delayed for a while due to the current corona issues.
SAM: "...We started creating them from approx. 18 months ago between other projects. It's taken us a while to get this record out there! Hopefully, there's a nice balance to the album, it's quite diverse with the different styles of Hardcore Rave. It's inspired from the 1991-late '93 music eras."
FRAN: "Between us three the album was about pushing our production style. Obviously, the tracks really vary and we wanted to explore the capacity and capability of our creativity and production as trio. We're inspired by what the scene stands for and all the positive things that people bring to it and that personal connection we all have because of it."
JIM:"The album for me has been a rollercoaster process. I'm very proud of this new work because we found the time in among our jobs and family lives to be creative and put together a body of music that we love to hear and still e njoy listening to today. Bring on the next tunes!"
You can read the full interview here:
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