Monday, 1 July 2019

The Prodigy Fanboy turns 10 years old

Time to move emotionally now, emphasizing on one of my biggest and honourable works so far; my involvement on The Prodigy Fanboy. Something more than a regular website, maybe the best Prodigy fansite in regards to its popularity, news updates, and of course being embraced a lot by the band.

Danny, the original father behind Fanboy, has been putting lots of hard work, in full effect & professional output and from my own perspective I'm more than happy offering my heartful services the last 7 years on this incredible and friendly hub of ants.
All in order to share and boost our common passion, THE PRODIGY!

WIth no offence, but humility, love and energy for life, good vibes and smashing beats! This is how we've raised and we're still rolling, 'eating that rhythm'.

So on 2nd July 2019 it's a big anniversary to us, as The Prodigy Fanboy celebrates 10 years of life and although this period is very weird for all of us loving this groundbreaking band, I'd personally wish for more action in everything, more positive thoughts and forever living into The Prodigy vibe...

This year has been very hard to us all in regards to Keith's loss, but we'd just keep it as a message that life is energy & energy is life and of course nothing will ever erase what this iconic punk rave persona has offered to music & to the way my generation has grown...

The Prodigy Fanboy has been relentlessly supporting my Prodigy tribute parties in Athens, my special radio shows about the band as well as aside from my blogging I also run my own section of podcasts that receiving some big support from the fans.
So why not closing with some good music, as a tune by Hyper goes like.. 'Ant Music'...

Refresh your memories again with the Prodigy Fanboy Podcasts...
Grab them all for free on this link.

Massive Shouts out to Danny!
Bigup to ET & Cosmicbadger!
And as ever Kudos goes out to THE PRODIGY and fansites/ communities such as TheProdigy.Info TheProdigy.RuBrainkiller - Neko - The Prodigy Polish Warriors - and everyone representing the Prodigy vibe all around the globe!

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