Saturday, 24 March 2018

CONTEST TIME - WIN the Limited First 12" EP by RewindBack Records!!

CONTEST TIME! Are You Fancy for it?

This is the time for one more brand new contest as already promised and keep doing that thing very often.

So, all you have to do is to subscribe to my mailing list HERE (if you haven't already) and during the next weekend all subscribers will receive a question of my quiz. The correct answer and the winner (if more than 1 will be picked random) will get a golden prize. More specifically, the first 12" EP by RewindBack Records which is a personal EP by its owner, Yudaidhun, plus all of my shows archives from Planet Rave Radio & a few glowstickers! Totally insane right? Well, that's because I love you all and would like to thank you for your continuous support, kind feedback and all brightness anyone carries on his heart via the music we love...And all made up as I'm also currently in progress of the second episode of #GL0WBUZZ (woohoo!)

In regards to RewindBack Records, it's a brand new Japanese label set up during the second half of 2017 by Yudaidhun. Yuda is a good friend of mine, based in Sapporo/Japan. He's also a great producer/DJ keeping the new blood of Breakbeat Hardcore alive as well as a big fan of my radio show and all of my work so far.
So, Yuda has already sent me a big bundle of the first RewindBack Records releases. The main bundle consists of 2 Cassettes & 1 Vinyl release and worth to mention that these are not available in non Japan countries to date.

So anyone can understand that the lucky winner should be totally stoked & moreover proud to owe that big gift...

On behalf of this contest and the story so far of Yudaidhun's label, I've made a fresh mix; named it "The RewindBack Records Birth" including a variety of the first releases from the label dropping various genres such as psychedelic trance/hard trance/breakbeat hardcore & happy hardcore. And this is literally what this label is about. It has a versatile character aiming to push, offer and represent Oldskool in modern techniques under Vinyl or Cassette formats, which is totally outstanding and attractive nowdays! Isn't it?

Long live RewindBack Records, Yudaidhun and all involved! Please give them some follow on their socials and show some love. They totally deserve it.

Enjoy the mix on the link above to get into the point... and good luck to all...!


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