Wednesday, 10 May 2017

GL0WKiD w/ DJCRIP Guest Mix & Interview @ Generation X [RadioShow] - Planet Rave [9MAY2017]

This show was recorded as broadcasted live @ Planet Rave Radio on 9th May 2017 - presented & hosted by GL0WKiD. Live streaming from Athens/Greece.

I've been into discussion for this showcase the last 2 years and finally it all came true for real. An established Breakbeat Hardcore producer/DJ, the best representer of Switzerland's Hardcore scene under his talented cells of Hardcore Rave, the man like DJCRIP a.k.a. COMERAVEINPEACE has joined Generation X [RadioShow] for a smashing Guest Mix, kinda definition of Breakbeat Hardcore including lots of his unreleased material, strictly & exclusively to share with the GenX listeners! And the crew responded fair enough on that as deserved!
Apart from that, there's also an interview with him, while he's revealing his past & future and trust me you'll hear some unusual things inside and surely very interesting...

GL0WKiD mix

The Prodigy - Music Reach 2017 (Neuro Native Remix)
Gareth Monks - Check 1 2 3 [2017, free download]
Orestiz - Ruffatest [2014, STRICTLY NUSKOOL]
Jonny L - Hurt You So (RyKennon & The Ad-vanc3d Remix)

C.R.I.P. Exclusive Mix

01. C.R.I.P. "Untitled" (Unreleased)
02. The Prodigy "Weather Experience - C.R.I.P. Remix" (Unreleased)
03. C.R.I.P. "Unconscious World" (Unreleased)
04. Paul Cronin "Stable With An Turntable - C.R.I.P. Remix" (Unreleased)
05. Whizzkid "Believe"
06. C.R.I.P. "My Weapon" (Unreleased)
07. C.R.I.P. "The Underground" (Unreleased)
08. C.R.I.P. "Experience" (Unreleased)
09. C.R.I.P. "Rock Me Steady" (Disco EP)
10. C.R.I.P. "Untitled" (Disco EP)
11. C.R.I.P. "Funky Tecnism" (Unreleased)
12. C.R.I.P. "Untitled" (Unreleased)
13. C.R.I.P. "Untitled" (Unreleased)
14. C.R.I.P. "Check Out The Groove" (Unreleased)
15. C.R.I.P. "Untitled" (Unreleased)
16. C.R.I.P. "Untitled" (Unreleased)
17. C.R.I.P. "Untitled" (Unreleased)
18. C.R.I.P. "Untitled" (Unreleased)
19. C.R.I.P. "Alive" (Unreleased)
20. C.R.I.P. "Take Me Up" [YODAS FORCE EP]
21. C.R.I.P. "Generation X" (Unreleased)
22. C.R.I.P. " Untitled" (Unreleased)

Closing tune: C.R.I.P. - Generation X (Gabber Mix)

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